Transporting your interactive whiteboard system
Savey ouroriginal SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboardpackaging so that it’s availableif you needt o
transportyour interactive whiteboardsyst em. Whenrequired, repackit with all of t heoriginal
packaging.This packaging was designedto provide optimal shock and vibrationprotection. If you no
longerhave youroriginal packaging,purchase the same packagingdirectly f romyour authorized
SMART reseller.
If you preferto use y ourown packaging materials, makes ureyou adequately protecty ourunit. Make
surethat the projector lens andmirror are protectedagainst any physical contact or pressurew hich
may damagethe projector’soptics. Ship yourinteractive whiteboardin an uprightposition to deter
shippersfrom placing heavy objects on it.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactivewhiteboard system