4. Optionally, reset the projectoras described in Resetting the projector onpage 55 to adjust the
frequencyand tracking to their originalvalues.
This action resets all values to their defaults.
Frozen image
If your projectorhas a frozen image, performthe following procedure.
gTo resolvea frozen image
1. Ensure that the Hide Display feature is off.
2. Press the Hide button on the projector’sremote control to hide ors how the display.
3. Ensure that your sourcedevice, s uch as your DVD player or computer,isn’t malfunctioning.
4. Put the projector into Standbymode, and then wait 30 minutes for it to cool down.
5. Disconnect the power cable from the poweroutlet, and then wait at least 60 seconds.
6. Connect the power cable,and then turn on the projector.
7. If t heprevious steps don’t resolve the issue, contact your authorizedSMART reseller.
Your image doesn’t fitthe interactive whiteboard
If you’re usinga SMAR TUF75wprojector with a wide screen interactive whiteboard,verify that
you’reusing the correct aspect ratio modefor the interactive whiteboard:
Interactivewhiteboard Aspect ratio mode
SMARTBoard685 interactivew hiteboard 16:10
SMARTBoard690 interactivew hiteboard 16:9
Youcan set the aspect ratio modeusing the Native D LP Resolutionsett ingin t heProjector Functions
menu(see Adjusting projectorsettings on page14).
The image from yourconnected laptop computerisn’t projected
Laptopcomputer settings can interferewith projector operations.
Somelaptop computers deactivate theirs creenswhen you connect a secondary display device.
Refert oyour computer’smanual for detailson reactivating thecomputer's display screen.
Unaligned projectedimage
Alignmenterrors occur whenthe projected imageis n’t perpendicular to the screen.A lignmenterrors
canocc urw henyou mount your interactive whiteboardsystem on an uneven surfaceor a wall t hat
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactivewhiteboard system