Setting Use Notes
ProjectorName Dis plays the projector’sname as set
by anadministrator (maximum 12
Youcan set the projector’sname using
theremote managementfeatures (see
Remotely managingyour system
througha network interface on page 57
andRemotely managingy oursys tem
throughan RS-232serial interface on
Location Displays the projector’slocation as set
by anadministrator (maximum 16
Youcan set the projector’slocation
usingthe remote managementfeatures
(seeRemotely managing yoursy stem
througha network interface on page 57
andRemotely managingy oursys tem
throughan RS-232serial interface on
Contact Displays the contact nameor number
forprojector supportas set by an
administrator(maximum 16
Youcan set the contact name or
numberusing the remotemanagement
features(see Remotely managingyour
system througha network interface on
page57 and Remotely managingyour
system throughan RS-232 serial
interface onpage 67).
Language Selectslanguagepreference. Projector menusupport is available in
English(default), Chinese (Simplified),
Chinese(Traditional),C zech, Danish,
Dutch, Finnish,French, German,
Greek,Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Norwegian,Polish, Portuguese
(Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),
Russian, Spanishand Swedish.
Information menu
LampHours Displays the current numberof lamp
usagehours from0 to 4000hours from
whenit was last reset.
Always reset the lamp hoursafter you
replacea lamp, because lampservice
remindersarebased on the current
hoursof use. See Resetting the lamp
hours onpage41 for details on the
lamphours reset procedure.
Input Dis plays the currentlydisplayed video
inputsource (VGA-1,VGA-2,
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactive whiteboard system