whiteboard system
SMARTBoard600i5interactive whiteboardsy stem features 2
SMARTBoard600 series interactivew hiteboard 2
SMARTUF75or SMARTUF75w projector 3
ExtendedControl Panel (ECP) 4
Includedaccessories 4
Remotec ontrol 4
Pens 5
Eraser 5
VGA connectionkit 5
Optionalaccessories 5
YourSMARTBoard600i5interactive whiteboardsystem c ombinesthe following components:
lSMARTBoard600 series interactivew hiteboard
lWall-mounted,short-throwSMAR TUF75or SMARTUF75w projector
lAccessories andoptional equipment
This chapterdescribes the features of your interactivew hiteboardandprovides information about
productparts and accessories.
Chapter 1