This section includesinformation on resolvingis sues with your interactive whiteboard.
Forinformation not coveredin this section, see the SMARTBoard600 and D600 series interactive
whiteboardinstallation anduser’s guide (smarttech.com/kb/001414).
Toresolve operationis sues, completet hef ollowingtasks :
lConfirmthat t he4-wire cable (and2-wire cable, if present) is connected to the interactive
lIf necessary, complete additionaltroubleshootingwith the guidance of SMARTSupportusing
Toresolve connection issues, complete the following tasks:
lConfirmthat t heEC P cable harness’s4-pin mini-DIN connector is properlyc onnectedto the
5V 2A connectoron the projector.
lConfirmthat t heU SB cable is properlyconnected from the interactive whiteboardto the ECP.
lConfirmthat t heU SB cable is properlyconnected from a fully functional USB receptacle on the
computerto the correct USB receptacle on the ECP.
lConfirmthat t heprojector’s on-screenmenu option for theU SB receptacleis set to t hec orrect
lIf necessary, complete additionaltroubleshootingon any devices betweent heU SB connection
fromthe computer to the interactive whiteboardsys tem, includingany USB hubs and
Resolvingcontrollerm oduleissues
If the controllermodule takes longerthan 10 seconds to start up, disconnect the interactive
whiteboard’sUSB cable, wait 10 seconds, andt henreconnect it.
If the issue persists, update the firmwareas documentedin the SMARTBoard 600and D600 series
interactivewhiteboard installationand user’s guide (smarttech.com/kb/001414).
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactivewhiteboard system