Connectingyour room controlsy stem to the SMART UF75 projector 68
Pin configurationon the projector’sRS-232 connector 68
Serialinterface settings 68
Projectorprogrammingcommands 70
Projectorpower state controls 70
Commandinventory 70
Value-basedcommandmethods 71
Absolutevalues and adjustment values 71
Videosource specification values 71
Powerst ate controls 72
Sourceselection controls 72
Generalsourcec ontrols 73
AdditionalVGA source controls 74
AdditionalComposite video source controls 75
Audiocontrols 76
Network controls 76
System controls 77
This appendixincludes detailedinstructions on how to set up your computer orroom control system
to remotelymanage yourS MARTBoard600i5interactive whiteboardsy stem settings throughan
RS-232serial interface.
Appendix B