lBeforeyou clean the projector,press t hePower button twice on the ECP or remote
controlto put the sy stem in Standby mode,and then allow the lamp to cool for at least 30
lDo not spray cleaners,solvents or compressed air directly on the projector.Do not use spray
cleanersor solvents near any partof the projectorbecause they can damageor stain the unit.
Sprayingthe system c ouldspread a chemical mist on some of the projector’sc omponents
andlamp, resulting in damageand poorimage quality.
lDo not allow liquidsor commercial solvents of any k indto flow into the projectorbase or
lWhencleaning the interactive whiteboardsyst em:
oWipet heext eriorof the projector with a lint-freec loth.
oIf necessary, use a soft cloth moistened with a mild detergentt o cleanthe projector
lDo not use abrasivecleaners, waxes or solvents.
Whencleaning the projector’smirror:
lUse a bellows bulbor air blower bulb(commonly found in audio-visualsupply stores) to blow off
dust. Never touch the mirrorwith your bare handsor a brush.
lIf wiping the mirroris unavoidable, wearprotective gloves and gathert hecl eaningcloth into a
ball.Gently run the cleaning cloth across the mirrorlike you would a feather duster. Don’t apply
anypressure to the lens or mirror.
Whencleaning the projector’slens:
lUse a bellows bulbor air blower bulb(commonly found in audio-visualsupply stores) to blow off
dust. Never touch the lens with your barehands or a brush.
lIf wiping the lens is unavoidable,wear protective gloves andgather the cleaningc loth intoa
ball.Gently run the cleaning cloth across the lens from the centerto t heedge, using the
cleaningcloth like you would a feather duster. Don’t apply any pressureto the lens or mirror.
Focusing and adjusting the projector imageForinformation on focusingand adjusting the projectorimage, see Focusing the image onpage 22
andAdjusting the image on page23.
CH A P T E R 5
Maintainingyour interactive whiteboard system