Whenmounting the projectorboom on a framedor hollow wall, attach both the mountingbracket
andthe safety t etherto a st udt o safely supportthe projector’s weight. If y ouuse only drywall
anchors,the drywall can fail, resulting in possible personalinjury, and damageto the product which
may not bec overedby your warranty.
Choosing a height
SMART includes a mountingtemplate with each interactive whiteboardsyst em. If you lose this
template,contact your authorizedSMART reseller. Using this template ensures that you can dot he
lMountthe projector at a safe height for headspace clearance, while maintainingenoughspace
forairflow and installation access above the unit.
lPositiont heprojector at the correct heightabove your interactive whiteboardto align the
projectedimage with the touch screen.
Dimensionson the template recommenda distance from the floor suitable for adultsof average
height.You should considert hegeneral heightof y ouruser community when you choose a position
fory ourinteractive whiteboard.
Securing your interactive whiteboard system
This section explainshow t o securethe different components of your interactivew hiteboardsystem.

Lockingthe pen tray to yourinteractive whiteboard

Tolearn how to lock the pen tray to your interactive whiteboard,see the SMARTBoard 600and D600
seriesinteractive whiteboardinstallation and user’sguide (smarttech.com/kb/001414).

Securingthe projectorto the boom

Tolearn how to secure the SMARTUF75 orSMAR TUF75wprojector to the boom, see the included
SMARTBoard660i5,680i5,685i5 or690i5 interactive whiteboardsys tem installationguide
CH A P T E R 2
Installingyour interactivew hiteboard system