Thepens have rubberizedgrip areasand are coloredto match four colors of
digitalink: black, red, greenand blue.
Youcan use dry-erase markersto replace the includedpens, as long as
they’rea similar shape, don’t scratch or mark your interactivew hiteboard
surfaceand reflect infraredlight. If the substitute doesn’t reflect infrared
light, the pentray sensors might not detect the presence of the pen.
Someof SMAR T’s olderpens aren’t designedto reflect infrared light andthe pen tray sensors might
notdetect them reliably.
Wraplight-coloredt apearounda s ubstitute pento improve the reflection of infraredlight and help
with tool detection.
Theeraser resemblesa rectangularc halkboarderaser.You can use a
substitute object,as long as it has asimilar shape, reflects infraredlight and
doesn’tsc ratchor mark the interactive whiteboards urface.
VGA connection kit
TheVGA c onnectionkit allows you to connect a laptopt o yourinteractive
whiteboardsystem using a VGA cable. The end of the VGA connectionkit
canbe attached to either side of the interactive whiteboardor to a wall in a
Optional accessoriesYoucan add a variety of accessories to y ourinteractive whiteboardt o best meet yourspecific needs.
Purchasethese items from your authorizedSMAR T resellerwhen you orderyour interactive
whiteboardsystem or later.
Formore informationon accessories, go to smarttech.com/accessories.
CH A P T E R 1
Aboutyour intera ctivewhiteboard system