Thefollowing table describes the sources electioncommands:
Command Description
getinput Returns the projector’s currentinput.
set input=[field] Sets the input to one of the selectable fields.
Thefollowing table describes the sources electionresponse fields:
Field Description
VGA1 Sw itches source to the VGA 1 input connector.
VGA2 Sw itches source to the VGA 2 input connector.
Composite Switches sourceto t heC ompositevideo connector.
If you installed yourinteractive w hiteboardsystem according to the
instructions, this is the relay from the ECP.
S-Video Switc hess ourceto the S-Video input connector.
HDMI Switchessource to the HDMI input port.
None A non-selectablevalue that appearswhen you entera “get input”
commandwhile the projectoris in Standby mode.
Generalsource controlsThefollowing source controls apply to all input sources. HDMI connector sourcec ontrolsare
describedin this section. These controls are unavailablewhen the projectoris in Standby mode.You
cans pecify custom color values for all inputs.
Thesecommands inform you of the currentsource settings.
Command Response
getdisplaymode displaymode=[currentdisplay mode setting]
getbrightness brightness=[currentbrightness setting]
getc ontrast contrast=[currentcontrast setting]
getw hitepeaking whitepeaking=[currentwhitepeakings etting]
getdegamma degamma=[current degammasetting]
getred red=[currentredc olorsetting]
getgreen green=[current greencolor setting]
getblue blue=[currentblue color setting]
getc yan cyan=[currentcyan color setting]
getmagenta magenta=[currentmagenta color setting]
gety ellow yellow=[current yellow color setting]
getv ideofreeze videofreeze=[current videof reezesetting]
getc c cc=[current closed captioninglanguagesetting]
Remotelymanaging your systemthrough anRS-2 32 serial interface