This section providesdetailed instructions for replacingthe projector lampmodule.
Removingand replacingthe projector lamp module
Eventuallyt helamp will dim and a messagewill appearremindingyou to replace it. Make sure you
havea replacement lampmodule beforeproceedingwi th the followinginst ructions.
lSeesmarttech.com/compliance for the projector’sMSD S documents.
lReplacethe lamp module whent heprojector displays its lamp life warning message. If you
continueto use the projector aftert his message appears,the lamp can shatter orburst,
scatteringglass t hroughout the projector.
lIf the lamp shatters orbursts, leave andt henventilate the area.
Next do the following:
oAvoid touchingthe glass fragments becauset hey can causeinjury.
oWash yourhands thoroughlyif you have come into contact with lamp debris.
oThoroughly clean thearea aroundthe projector, anddisc ardany edible items placed in
that areabecause they could bec ontaminated.
oCall yourauthorized SMART reseller for instructions. Do not attempt to replacet he
lReplacingthe lamp modulein a w all-mountedprojectorcan result in a fall or injury. Use
cautionwhen climbing a ladder,and consider removingthe projector fromt hew all-mounting
bracketto replace the lamp module.
lUncoveringthe lamp while the projectoris mountedon the wall-mountingbracket can lead to
productdamageor personalinjury from fallingpieces of glass if the lampis broken.
CH A P T E R 5
Maintainingyour interactive whiteboard system