Setting Use Notes
Resolution Displays the projector’smost recently
detectedvideo source signal resolution
andrefresh rate.
If therei s no currentvideo input source
signal,t his setting displays the last
knowns ourcesignal image resolution
andrefresh rate.
FirmwareVersion Displays t heprojector’s digital display
processor(DDP) firmware version in
x.x.x.x format.
MPU Version Displays the projectormicroprocessor
unit(MPU)firmware version in x.x.x.x
Network Version Displays the projector’snetwork
communicationsprocessor firmware
versionin x. x.x.x format.
If you haven’t enabledthe Network
and VGA Out setting, this setting is
unableto display the projector’s
networkc ommunicationsprocessor
firmwareversion and displays
ModelNumber Displays the projector’smodel number.
SerialNumber Displays the projector’ss erialnumber.
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactive whiteboard system