Webpage management 57
Accessing web pagemanagement 57
Home 58
Controlpanel 58
Controlpanel II 61
3D settings 61
USB Controls ettings 62
Network settings 62
E-mailalerts 64
Passwords ettings 64
SimpleNetw ork Management Protocol (SNMP) 65
This appendixincludes detailedinstructions on how to remotely manageyour SMARTBoard600i5
interactivewhiteboard system settings througha networkinterface.
Web page management
Youcan access advanceds etupfeatures via the projector’s web page.This w ebpage enables yout o
managethe projectorfrom a remote location usingany computer connected to yourintranet.
Toacc esst heweb page, yourbrowser must supportJavaScript. Most commonly usedbrowsers
like InternetExplorer® andFirefox® support JavaScript.
Accessing web pagemanagement
Beforeyou can access t hew ebpage, you must connect the network cable to your projector(see the
Projectorconnection diagramon page 23)and enable theN etwork andVGA Out s etting (see
Adjustingprojector settings on page 14). Whenyou first connect your projectorto a network, an IP
addressappearson the on-screendisplay.
Appendix A