This chapterprovides basic troubleshootinginformationfor your interactive whiteboardsy stem.
Foriss ues notc overedin this c hapter,consult the SMARTSupport website (
orcontact y ourauthorized SMART reseller(
Before you startBeforeyou troubleshooty ourinteractive whiteboards ystem or contact your authorizedSMART
reselleror SMARTSupportfor assist ance,y ouneed to do the following:
lLocateyour interactive whiteboardsy stem’s status lights
lLocateyour interactive whiteboardsy stem’s serial numbers
Locatingstatus lights
Youinteractive whiteboard system consists of several components,w hich havetheir own status
lYourinteractive whiteboard’s Readyl ightis located on the lower-rightof the frame.
lYourprojector’s Power ( )and Service ( ) lights are located ont hebottom of t heprojector.
lTheECP’ s Power button(see Using the Extended Control Panel(ECP) on page25) also
functions as a status light.
Locatingserial numbers
TheSMARTBoard 600s eriesinteractive whiteboard serialnumber is located on the lower-rightedge
of yourinteractive whiteboard’s frame. Formore information, see the SMARTBoard600 andD 600
seriesinteractive whiteboardinstallation and user’sguide (
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactivewhiteboard system