9.5Title ACL
Each content title has an ACL which is accessible either programmatically through the cmGetAcl() function or by the smc_gettacl utility. To create or modify permissions, use the cmSetAcl() function or the smc_settacl command.
| Access |
Permission | Level | User can run... | Program can call... |
rread smc_ls to obtain listing of title. smc_copy, smc_tar, and ftp to copy existing content (as in a backup).
smc_gettacl to read title ACL.
wwrite smc_tar and ftp to create new content.
aadmin smc_copy to rename a file during a copy operation. smc_settacl to set a title ACL.
cmOpen() (for read, not append) cmGetAcl()
cmContentList() cmTitleStat()
cmOpen() (for append, not read) cmCreate()
cmSetAcl() cmRename() cmDelete()
When you create a title (by using cmCreate() from the CM Client Lib API or by using smc_copy, smc_tar, or ftp to move content onto a server), you, the creator, have read, write, and admin permissions for that title. If no other restrictions are imposed by the ServerAcl file, a user other than the title's creator cannot copy, delete, or append to a title, unless the creator uses smc_settacl or cmSetAcl() to open up access to the title.
9.6Session ACL
A CM session is a logical relationship between the Sun MediaCenter server and another machine used for copying, appending, and deleting titles and obtaining/ changing title ACLs.
Each CM session has an ACL associated with it.