All files used for ACLs support the following syntax:
For all ACL files, standard Solaris lookup mechanisms are used for user name lookup. In support of unknown UIDs, all files support:
Each type of ACL file allows different permissions; the permissions are described in the following sections in this chapter. For all ACLs, permissions are independent of one another. That is, there is not a hierarchy of permissions in which a "higher" permission includes "lower" permissions.
9.3Server ACL
Access to the Sun MediaCenter server is specified in the file /etc/opt/SUNWsms/ServerAcl. TABLE
Access |
Permission Level | Program can call... |
msmPlayerLookup() (to look up, not to create, a player)
msmPlayerList() msmPlayerGetPlaylist() msmPlayerGetConnect() msmPlayerGetPlayStatus() msmTitleGetStatus() msmTitleList()
msmPlayerLookup() (to create, not to look up, a player) msmPlayerDelete()
By default, there is no ServerAcl file, which means that all users have read and admin permission for a Sun MediaCenter server. ServerAcl supports a wildcard (*) to stand for all users, so that you can specify: