...with the result that all users have read permission. For example, with only read permission for a Sun MediaCenter server, a user can look up titles on the server, but cannot play a stream.
Each instance of the ServerAcl file must contain a line that indicates the version number of the file; this line must be the first uncommented line in the file. The format of the version line is:
Version <number>
If the version line is missing or incorrectly formatted, or has an unsupported version number, the MSM produces warning messages but continues to parse ServerAcl.
9.4Player ACL
There is no file for player ACLs. When you create a player (using msmPlayerLookup()), you, the creator, have full
shows the permissions that you can specify:
Player ACL Permissions
Permission | Access Level | Program can call... |
r | read | msmPlayerGetAccess() |
| msmPlayerGetPersistence() |
| msmPlayerGetPlaylist() |
| msmPlayerGetPlayStatus() |
c | control | msmPlayerPlay() |
| msmPlayerPause() |
| msmPlayerResume() |
a | admin | msmPlayerDelete() |
| msmPlayerSetAccess() |
| msmPlayerSetPersistence() |
| msmPlayerSetPlaylist() |
| msmPlayerSetConnect() |
Following creation of a player, the MSM consults the player's ACL before checking ServerAcl.
Chapter 9 Access Control Lists