6.Run: build_oid (with no arguments).
This program maps names in Sun MediaCenter server MIB to new OIDs.
7.(Optional) Copy your $SNMHOME/discover.conf file to /etc/opt/SUNWconn/ snm. In the MAPPINGS section of this copy, add the line:
media component.sms1000
In addition to modifying discover.conf, set the environment variable SNMDISCOVERMAP to the directory where discover.conf is located.
This step enables the Discover tool to find a Sun MediaCenter server and to identify that machine correctly as a Sun MediaCenter server. This is a convenience to you but is not required for the effective management of a Sun MediaCenter server.
8.Save your Management Database then restart the Console, using snm
9.In Console window, obtain the Properties sheet for a Sun MediaCenter server, available through the server icon’s pulldown menu.
This step presumes you have run Discover or manually added the Sun MediaCenter server to your database.
10.In the Properties sheet, select the media server agent, sms_vod, and select Apply.
11.In the server icon’s pulldown menu, select Change Type. In the Change Type window, select sms1000.
In the Console window, the icon for the selected machine changes to an sms1000 icon.
You now can use SNM to manage one or more Sun MediaCenter servers.