7.3ATM Addressing
You specify the destination address with the MSMC API’s msmSetConnect() function. You fill in an instance of the MsmConnect structure before calling msmSetConnect(). This structure contains an destTiAddr field, which holds a string. This field determines the destination address to which the server delivers data.
7.3.1MPEG over AAL5
When configured for MPEG over AAL5, the server delivers video data to a specified ATM virtual circuit over a specified server ATM port. Therefore, the data endpoint address is described by a ATM virtual circuit and a server ATM port.
The address is a string of the following format:
port=ba<ATM portnum>,vc=<ATM vcnum>
The components of this address are as follows:
■The ba<ATM portnum> is the server’s ATM interface, through which multimedia data will pass.
■The <ATM vcnum> specifies the ATM circuit that has been established to deliver the multimedia data through the ATM network to the client.
For example, the address port=sa0,vc=301 specifies that data be delivered via the server’s ATM device sa0 to virtual circuit 301.
7.3.2MPEG-2 over Classical IP over AAL5
When configured for MPEG over Classical IP over AAL5, the server delivers video data to a specified IP hostname and UDP port number.