TABLE A-1 Sun MediaCenter Server MIB Definitions
| Group or Table |
Attribute Name | Description |
admTotalDelay | Total delay for the admission of all streams since last reboot, in |
| milliseconds. |
admAverageDelay | Average admission delay, in milliseconds. |
| bitPump |
bitPumpStreams | Current number of bit pump streams. |
bitPumpBandwidth | Bandwidth of the bit pump, in bits/sec. This is a fixed value. |
bitPumpMissedDeadlines | Number of missed deadlines. |
| bitPumpStreamTable |
bitPumpStreamId | Number that identifies a specific bit pump stream. |
bitPumpStreamDrift | Number of milliseconds of drift for a given stream. |
bitPumpStreamMTU | Size of the UDP payload for each transmitted Ethernet packet; size of |
| the AAL5 payload for each transmitted ATM packet. |
bitPumpStreamLate | Number of times a stream is late. |
bitPumpNumDiskIOs | Number of disk I/Os for a stream. |
bitPumpNumDeviceIOs | Number of device I/Os for a stream. |
| diskError |
diskErrors | Number of disk errors. |
| diskErrorTable |
diskErrorId | Number identifying the error. |
diskErrorDevice | Name of the disk having the error. |
diskErrorTimes | Time the error occurred. |
diskErrorType | Description of the error as returned by the operating system. |
diskErrorBlockNumber | Block number of the errant block. |
diskErrorNumBlocks | Number of errant blocks. |
| diskLate |
diskLateEvents | Number of late disk events. |
| diskLateTable |
diskLateId | Instance number of the late event. |
diskLateDevice | Name of the late device. |