WARNING: stream id 107 (ba@426,3,80@) xmit error: Q size 33
Action required: None. Most often, higher level software can recover from such an error. However, if you receive such messages continually or if such messages are accompanied by degraded video output, contact your Sun service representative.
NOTICE: ba0: qsize OK
Cause: This is a Sun MediaCenter driver diagnostic message.
Action required: None. It is useful to trained technical personnel, particularly if it occurs in combination with other messages listed here.
NOTICE: ba3: qsize 9 above hiwat
Cause: This is a Sun MediaCenter driver diagnostic message.
Action required: None. It is useful to trained technical personnel, particularly if it occurs in combination with other messages listed here.
10.2.2MFS Error Messages
The mfs perror utility displays information about a specific MFS error number.
perror usage is as follows:
mfs perror error_number
The single parameter is the error number returned by MFS when it attempts to execute an MFS utility. For example, an attempt to use mfs create to create a file in the MFS may return the following:
Can’t create title 4260348
Use mfs perror to obtain further information about the error:
server# mfs perror 4260348
mfs_bmap_alloc: Unable to allocate mfs data blocks: Insufficient space on disk
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting