Underperforming stream output
Possible cause is network congestion. Use a network analyzer or your switch vendor’s diagnostics to analyze network performance.
Note that your server is intended only for the storage and delivery of multimedia streams. Any processes not associated with this purpose have the potential to disrupt server output.
No video displays on client
Possible causes: Disk cables and/or network links not connected. If using ATM, ATM switch not configured correctly. Content is stored at a bit rate different from that at which it was encoded.
If you have SunNet Manager, do a quick dump of the
Note that on a correctly running server, the following processes should be running:
root | 4 | 0 | 1 | Nov 13 | ? | 0:00 vod_hires_timer | ||
root | 231 | 1 | 0 | Nov 13 | ? | 0:00 vod_xor | ||
root | 232 | 1 | 0 | Nov | 13 | ? | 0:00 | vod_xor |
root | 233 | 1 | 80 | Nov | 13 | ? | 0:13 | vod_sched |
If you are using an application based on the Media Stream Manager Client API, the following process must be running:
root 241 | 1 80 Nov 13 ? | 2:18 /opt/SUNWsms/msm/bin/MsmServer |
If any of the preceding processes is not present in ps output, you might have to reboot the server.
Another possible cause of this problem, for Fast Ethernet destinations, is that the IP address and/or Ethernet address of the destination client are not recorded in a name service accessible to the server or not in the server’s local /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers files.