TABLE A-1 Sun MediaCenter Server MIB Definitions
| Group or Table |
Attribute Name | Description |
diskLateTime | Time at which the late event was detected, in microseconds. |
diskLateDuration | Duration of lateness, in milliseconds. |
| diskTable |
diskDeviceId | Name of the disk. |
diskNumIOoperations | Number of I/O operations for a disk. |
diskNumLate | Number of times a disk was late. |
diskTotalLateness | Total time late, in seconds. |
diskNumErrors | Total number of errors for a disk. |
diskType | “data” or “parity”. |
| failure |
failNumOfDisks | Total number of failed disks. |
failNumRecovering | Number of disks that have failed and are undergoing recovery through |
| the parity mechanism. Should be no more than 1. |
failDevice | Name of the last failed device. |
failLastTime | Time of the last failed device. |
failNumXOR | Number of parity recoveries (XOR). |
| online |
onlineTotalBandwidth | Total usable bandwidth for online loading. |
onlineMaxTransfer | Overall maximum transfer size of online I/O. |
onlineAvailableBandwidth | For a given instant, currently available bandwidth per time unit (see |
| bitPump:bitPumpTimePeriod). |
onlineMaxAvailTransferSize | Maximum, currently available transfer size for online I/O. |
onlineNumStarted | Number of online loading requests started. |
onlineNumFinished | Number of online loading requests finished. |
| vodsystem |
sysDiskBandwidth | Bandwidth of each disk (without considering seek overhead). |
sysTotalDiskBandwidth | Total bandwidth of all data disks. |
sysNumberOfDisks | Number of data disks. |
sysNumberOfParityDisks | Number of parity disks. |