The attribute values of the title named Bambi indicate a normal-play, forward- direction, MPEG file that was encoded 3 Mb/sec. in MPEG-2 Program Stream format.
All video-file commands require a value for the title attribute. (The value can be, with some commands, a wildcard.) Certain commands have requirements beyond this. These requirements are spelled out in the following section.
In some instances, such as when using video-file commands for backup, specification of all attributes is not required but is recommended. If you restore files that had not had their attributes recorded, you end up with files with default values for their attributes, which might not be appropriate for those files.
6.3Video-File Commands
The ftp client commands you can use to access the FTP video-file functions on a Sun MediaCenter server are as follows:
The following subsections contain descriptions of each of these commands. The commands are categorized by function.
Note –The names used for ftp client commands are those used by the Solaris ftp client implementation. These command names might vary by implementation. For example, the put ftp command, described below, maps to the FTP protocol’s STOR function. A given implementation might have a copy command that maps to the same function. For that implementation, the description of put, below, would apply to copy.
Chapter 6 Sun MediaCenter Server FTP Daemon 6-5