File System
Function | Read File command. | All | |
ASCII | [ESC] [RS] R <LL><LH> |
| |
Hexadecimal | 1BH 1EH 52H |
| |
Decimal | <27> <30> <82> |
Description The [ESC] [RS]R command requests that data be read from the file and returned to the host.
The <LL><LH> parameters specify the length of data that should be returned where LH * 256 + LL specifies the number of returned bytes. The data is treated as binary data with no translations. If there is not enough data in the file to make up the requested length, only the available data is returned.
Function | Generate and return a file directory report. | All | |
ASCII | [ESC] [RS] I |
| |
Hexadecimal | 1BH 1EH 49H |
| |
Decimal | <27> <30> <73> |
Description The [ESC] [RS]I command requests that a formatted text directory be returned from the printer. Each line is null terminated.
Function | Erase all files in a partition | All | |
ASCII | [ESC] [RS] X <p> |
| |
Hexadecimal | 1BH 1EH 58H |
| |
Decimal | <27> <30> <88> |
| |
<p> | selects the partition. 0 = System, 1 = User. |
Description The [ESC] [RS]X command requests that the selected partition be reformatted. Reformatting the system partition <0> is not recommended, as it will erase all fonts and render the printer unusable.
Function |
| All | |
ASCII | [ESC] [RS] F |
| |
Hexadecimal | 1BH 1EH 46H |
| |
Decimal | <27> <30> <70> |
Description The [ESC] [RS]F command forces the file system to go through the file system and clean up deleted file sectors. All sectors flagged for deletion are actually erased and consolidated when this command is issued.
Note: File space is not necessarily freed up by a file delete. Sectors may be marked for deletion but still be present but inactive in the file system. These sectors take up flash space. Each cluster has a fixed number of sectors, and if the number of deleted sectors in a cluster exceed a predefined threshold, the cluster is
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