Epic 880TM Color Graphics
Epic 880TM Universal Color Graphics
The Epic 880TM Printer firmware supports the ability to print color graphics in all emulations.
The intent of Universal Color Graphic support is to allow the Epic 880TM graphics capability to be used in existing applications that do not support color graphics as well as all new applications.
For new applications, the programmer may code the graphics generator into there printer driver. TransAct Technologies provides a Windows active X that will generate the graphics for you. In addition the source to the graphics generator is available upon request11.
There are several ways to add color graphics to an existing application. The easiest for you will depend on how much control you have over your application. At a minimum, you should be able to change the name printed on the top of a receipt. With the PJColor12 program you can store a named graphic into the printer and print it by changing the text name to match the stored graphic. For example, if your receipt has a name like "Joe's Market", you can save a graphic in the printer named "Joe's" and then change the "Joe's Market" to "&%URJoe's&" When the Epic 880TM finds "&%URJoe's&", it is replaced with the stored graphic.
Some applications allow a graphic file to be sent to the printer. In this case PJColor can generate the graphic file and then your application can send it to the printer.
Note: PJColor was originally designed to support color inkjet printing. It has been enhanced and may be used to generate color graphics for the Epic 880TM.
PJColor also has a feature that will allow you to generate a file that will define the graphic to be stored into the printer. You can then use this file to setup any number of printers with the same graphic.
If you are using a windows print driver (other than the TransAct® Epic 880TM driver) to support your printer, you will not be able to send color graphics to the printer through the print driver. The print driver will not support universal graphics. You can however, store the graphic in the printer and use IPCL commands to print the stored graphic. (You must select a printer resident font for this to work.)
The following is a short summary description of these features.
11You may be required to sign a nondisclosure agreement with TransAct Technologies to obtain source code.
12The PJColor program has been enhanced to provide several ways to create Logos and Coupons and make them available to the Epic 880TM printer.
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