Unicode and Fonts
File system and the POR.INI file
The Epic 880TM Printer supports a file system to support TransAct Technologies fonts and allow the user to load and link custom fonts.
The POSFile tool provides a Windows interface to the printer and will allow fonts and configuration files to be loaded into the printer. This tool can read and write the POR.INI file, however the TransAct supplied fonts can not be read or deleted from the printer.
TrueType15 and Compressed Stroke Fonts16 are supported by the Epic 880TM Printer.
The POR.INI file is used to control how fonts are named, identified and linked, as well as allowing how the font to be printed is controlled.
The following is an example of the POR.INI file:
;Default System Configuration. [encoding]
mode = UTF8TXT
;NOTE: A code page is only used in ASCII mode.
;To specify a code page, use one of the following forms: CodePage = 437
;CPFile =
;To remap Unicode characters, define a UniRemap.cpm file. UniMapfile = UniRemap.cpm
;Optionally specify the Cache Partitions ;Fontcache = 1024,512,256
;True Type font hinting may be disabled by setting Nohint to 1 ;Nohint = 0
;Specify Linked fonts starting with LinkFont1. ;LinkFont1 will be searched first.
;You may specify up to 8 linked fonts.
;if Link Fonts are defined, they will be used as the default. LinkFont1 = TactMOD.ttf
LinkFont2 = TactWGL_M.ttf LinkFont3 = TactGB18030.ccc ;Up to 99 fonts may be defined Font1 = TactMOD.ttf
Font2 = TactWGL_M.ttf Font3 = TactGB18030.ccc
;The brush size effects only stroke fonts. Brush = 100
15Some but not all features of Open Type fonts are supported. Open Type fonts are not recommended.
16Compressed Stroke fonts are supplied by MonoType Inc.
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