Control Codes
100-88002 Rev B Page 113
Function Set Page Mode Entry Position
Hexadecimal 1BH 1AH 41H<XL><XH><YL><YH>
Decimal <27><26><65><XL><XH> <YL><YH>
Description This command sets the horizontal and vertical entry position to anywhere
on the page. It is only valid in page mode. If the value specified is beyond the page
boundary, the command is ignored. (X and Y refers to the current active orientation
specified by the [ESC]t command, and is not same as the page definition of X and Y.)
The X and Y positions are in dots.
Y = Yh* 256 + Yl dots from the top
X = Xh* 256 + Xl dots from the left
Note: You can also use the [ESC]J, [ESC]M. [ESC]d and [ESC]e commands to
position the print on the page.
Function Set Page Mode Entry Position Relative
Hexadecimal 1BH 1AH 52H <XL><XH><YL><YH>
Decimal <27><26><82><XL><XH> <YL><YH>
Description This command sets the horizontal and vertical entry position to anywhere
on the page. It is only valid in page mode. If the value specified is beyond the page
boundary, the command is ignored. (X and Y refers to the current active orientation
specified by the [ESC]t command, and is not same as the page definition of X and Y.)
The X and Y positions are in dots.
Y = Yh* 256 + Yl dots from the current Y
X = Xh* 256 + Xl dots from the current X
Note: You can also use the [ESC]J, [ESC]M. [ESC]d and [ESC]e commands to
position the print on the page.