Control Codes
100-88002 Rev B Page 143
Function Print the Electronic Journal
ASCII [ESC][GS]P< Sl>< Sh>< Ll>< Lh>
Hexadecimal 1BH 1DH 50H < Sl>< Sh>< Ll>< Lh>
Decimal <27> <29><80> < Sl>< Sh>< Ll>< Lh>
IPCL &%EP <S> <L> (L and S are 4 digits ie. 00100020 for 20 records starting
at 10)
Description This command prints all or part of the electronic journal. <Sh>*256 + <Sl>
specifies the first record to be printed and <Lh>*256 + <Ll> specifies the number of
records to print. If <Lh>*256 + <Ll> are 0, records from the specified start to the last
record are printed. Setting both start and end to 0 will print the complete contents of
the electronic journal.
Note: The first record is identified as record 1.
Function Report the Electronic Journal
ASCII [ESC][GS]R< Sl>< Sh>< Ll>< Lh>
Hexadecimal 1BH 1DH 52H < Sl>< Sh>< Ll>< Lh>
Decimal <27> <29><82> < Sl>< Sh>< Ll>< Lh>
IPCL &%EQ <S> <L> (L and S are 4 digits ie. 00100020 for 20 records starting
at 10)
Description This command reports all or part of the electronic journal. <Sh>*256 +
<Sl> specifies the first record to be printed and <Lh>*256 + <Ll> specifies the number
of records to report. If <Lh>*256 + <Ll> are 0, all records from the specified start to the
end are reported. Setting both start and end to 0 will report the complete contents of
the journal.
Note: The first record is identified as record 1.
The report format will be as follows:
[STX] Record number [SOH] Record Text [ETX]