Control Codes
Page 84 100-88002 Rev B
[ESC] 4 Set top of form
Hexadecimal 1BH 34H
Decimal <27> <52>
Description The [ESC] 4 command sets the top of form to the current position.
Note: This command does not operate in or affect page mode.
[ESC] C Set form length in lines
Hexadecimal 1BH 43H <n>
Decimal <27> <67> <n>
IPCL &%SL <m1> <m2>
EPOS [ESC] C <n>
Description The [ESC] C <n> command sets the form length to <n> lines at the
current line spacing. If the current page position is greater than the new page length,
the command also sets the current position as the top of form.
Note: This command does not set the page size in page mode.
[ESC] C [NUL] Set form length in inches
Hexadecimal 1BH 43H <0> <n>
Decimal <27> <67> <0> <n>
IPCL &%SI <m1> <m2>
EPOS none
Description The [ESC] C [NUL] <n> command sets the form length to <n> inches. If
the current page position is greater than the new page length, the command also sets
the current position as the top of form. If zero inches are specified, the form feed and
vertical tab commands are ignored.
Note: This command does not set the page size in page mode.