FIGURE 4-11 Sort Dialog Box
To sort by one or more attributes, click on the attribute in the Available Attributes list and then click on the Add >> button. To remove an attribute from the sort list, click on the attribute name in the Sort Order list and then click on the << Remove button. Select Ascending or Descending. Click the OK button to display the specified attributes in the Table of Contents page. Click Reset to retain the last- saved attributes or click Cancel to dismiss the dialog box with no change.
■Filter allows you to restrict the titles that are displayed. For example, you can display only those titles that have the format MPEG1SYS. By default, all titles are displayed. When you select the Filter option, the following dialog box appears:
FIGURE 4-12 Filter Dialog Box
Select the title attribute on which the pattern match is to be done. Select either “matches” or “does not match,” then enter in the pattern that is to be matched/ not matched. Click the OK button to filter the display in the Table of Contents page. Click Reset to retain the