The recommended block size of the tar format is 500
B.6.2 Tapes
The Sun MediaCenter server supports both
B.7 Example
This section provides an example of a content
The names of the files that make up our example content package are shown in the tar output, below:
server# tar tf /dev/rmt/0 bambi.TOC bambi.1x.index bambi.7x.index bambi.10x.index bambi.7nx.index bambi.10nx.index bambi.1x.mpeg bambi.7x.mpeg bambi.10x.mpeg bambi.7nx.mpeg bambi.10nx.mpeg
The tar tf command above lists the table of contents on a tar file or device, /dev/rmt/0 in this example. The tar output indicates that the content package consists of a TOC file, bambi.TOC, and five bit streams associated with the content at various speeds. Each bit stream contains an index file (.index) and an MPEG data file (.mpeg).
In our example, as in FIGURE