The fields in the TOC file are described as follows:
A name of your choosing. After you have stored the title on the server, smc_ls returns the contents of this field.
For versions 1.0 and 1.1 of the Sun MediaCenter server software, this is always SUNW.00.01.
A string of your choosing. For your own use in describing the entire title. This field is a good place to record all of the PIDs used in your title.
second description field
Again, a string of your choosing. This string describes the individual bit stream. You might enter
1000 indicates
Exact encoding bit rate or multiplexed bit rate where there are audio and video streams.
Path where smc_tar will find the MPEG file.
Size of the MPEG file, in bytes.
B.4 TOC File for Large Files
If you have a piece of content that exceeds the Solaris size limit of 2.1 GB, you must divide the MPEG file into smaller files and identify those files as segments in the TOC file for that title. This breaking up of the large file into smaller files occurs at the encoder. Obtain the size, in bytes, of each smaller file and use those values to fill in the filesize parameter for each segment in the TOC file.
Appendix B Creating a Content Package