A – Command Line Interface
Show Command
A-98 59097-01 A
Displays the current time zone setting.
Displays all connected devices.
Displays a list of logged-in users. This is equivalent to the User List command.
Displays an introductory set of information about operational attributes of the
switch. This keyword is equivalent to the About keyword.
Examples The following is an example of the Show Chassis command:
SANbox Manager #> show chassis
Chassis Information
BoardTemp (1) - Degrees Celsius 36
FanStatus (1) Good
FanStatus (2) Good
FanDirection (1) BackToFront
FanDirection (2) BackToFront
PowerSupplyStatus (1) Good
PowerSupplyStatus (2) Good
HeartBeatCode 1
HeartBeatStatus Normal
BeaconOnStatus Beacon status as set by the Set Beacon
OperationalState Switch operational state
PrincipalSwitchRole Principal switch status. True indicates that
this switch is the principal switch.
BoardTemp (1) - Degrees Celsius Internal switch temperature at circuit board
sensor 1
SwitchDiagnosticsStatus Results of the power-on self test
SwitchTemperatureStatus Switch temperature status: normal,
warning, failure
Table A-28. Switch Operational Parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description