A – Command Line Interface

Show Log Command

59097-01 A A-111

Examples The following is an example of the Show Log Component command:
SANbox Manager #> show log component
Current settings for log
FilterComponent NameServer MgmtServer Zoning Switch Blade Port Eport Snmp

The following is an example of the Show Log Level command:

SANbox Manager #> show log level
Current settings for log
FilterLevel Info
DisplayLevel Critical

The following is an example of the Show Log Options command:

SANbox Manager #> show log options
Allowed options for log
FilterLevel Critical,Warn,Info,None
DisplayLevel Critical,Warn,Info,None

The following is an example of the Show Log command:

SANbox Manager #> show log
[327][day month date time year][I][Eport Port:0/8][Eport State=
[328][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][FSPF PortUp state=0]
[329][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Sending init hello]
[330][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Processing EFP, oxid= 0x8]
[331][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Eport State = E_A2_IDLE]
[332][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][EFP,WWN= 0x100000c0dd00b845,
len= 0x30]
[333][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Sending LSU oxid=0xc:type=1]
[334][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Send Zone Merge Request]
[335][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][LSDB Xchg timer set]
[336][day month date time year][I][Eport Port: 0/8][Setting attribute
Oper.UserPort.0.8.EpConnState Connected]