2 – Using SANsurfer Switch Manager
Uninstalling SANsurfer Switch Manager
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The encryption key is used to encrypt the sensitive data in the default fabric view
file. Refer to ”Changing the Encryption Key for the Default Fabric View File” on
page 2-15 for information about changing this encryption key. If an encryption key
has been defined and the View File Auto Save and Load preferences settings are
set to Enable, the current fabric view is automatically saved to your default fabric
view file upon exit future SANsurfer Switch Manager sessions.
To prevent SANsurfer Switch Manager from prompting you to save the default
fabric view file between SANsurfer Switch Manager sessions, set the View File
Auto Save and Load preferences setting to Enable (default). Refer to ”Setting
SANsurfer Switch Manager Preferences” on page 2-16 for more information.
In your next SANsurfer Switch Manager session, the Load Default Fabric File
dialog shown in Figure 2-4 prompts you to load the default fabric view file and to
specify its encryption key, if there is one. In the Default Fabric File Encryption Key
field, enter the encryption key and click the Load View File button. If you do not
want to load the default fabric view file, click the Continue Without Loading
button to open the SANsurfer Switch Manager with no fabric displayed.

Figure 2-4. Load Default Fabric File Dialog

Uninstalling SANsurfer Switch Manager
The method you use to uninstall SANsurfer Switch Manager depends on how you
installed it:
If you installed SANsurfer Switch Manager as part of SANsurfer
Management Suite, you must uninstall SANsurfer Management Suite. Refer
to ”SMS Uninstall” on page 2-14.
If you installed SANsurfer Switch Manager as a standalone program, you
must uninstall SANsurfer Switch Manager directly. Refer to ”Standalone
Uninstall” on page 2-15.