Basic Measurements
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al
To measure the K-- Factor line-timedistortion, measure the
largestdeviation of the bar top (tilt or rounding) within the
structure. The solid outer box equals a 4% K--Factor,while
the dashed line inner box equals a 2% K--Factor. Forsignals
with a bar half-amplitude duration that exceeds 18 s(8s
PAL),mea sure the bar top in increments by positioning the
bar to the left or right ofthe leading or trailing edge. The
first and last 1 s of the bar should be disregarded.
Pulse-to-barK--Factormeasurements are made by normaliz-
ing bar amplitude (100 IRE or 1V) and adjusting the HORIZ
POS control to positionthe pulse on the line-time distortion
structure. Use the VAR G AIN (see CONFIGGAIN menu, page
3-26) to adjust signal amplitude.
Make sure that the center of the bar is at 100 IRE (1 Volt
PAL)when blanking l evel is at 0 IRE (use VARIABLEGAIN to
adjust gain, i f necessary). Use the HORIZ POS control to
place the 2T pulse over the center of the boxed measurement
area and measure its amplitude. When the top of the pulse
falls withinthe dashed lines, the K--Factorequals 2% or less.
Vector Graticule
The VECTOR displaypermits measurements of hue in terms
of the relative phase of the chrominance signal with respect
to the color burst. Relative amplitude of chrominance to
burst is expressed in terms of the displacement from center
(radial dimensionof amplitude).
The vector graticule is combined with the waveform grati-
The NTSC and PALvec tor graticules contain burst and vec-
tor targets; the dual-standard graticules conta in burst and
vector targets for both NTSC and PAL standards. The vector
targets can be used with either 75% or 100% amplitude color
bar signals. The selection is made through the CONFIGVEC-
TOR menu, described on page 3-21.