Usingthe Menus
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al
CALIBRATEThese choicesare offered when CALIBRATE is selected:
HCAL SIG —Turnsthe 1 V internal calibrator signal
HGAIN CAL —Turns on the gain calibration adjust-
ment on/off.
Additional choices appear when CAL SIG or GAINCAL is
turned on:
HIn waveform mode, the user can set the calibra tor
frequency to 100 KHZ or to FSC OSC (FSC OSC =
3.58 MHz for NTSC/4.43MHz for PAL). Dual-sta n-
dard monitors also have the option of choosing
NTSC FSC (3.58 MHz) or PAL F SC (4.43 MHz).
HIn vector mode, the usercan set the calibrator
frequency, for dual-standard instruments only, to
NTSC FSC (3.58 MHz ) or PAL FSC (4.43 MHz).
HIn both waveform and vector modes, selecting NTSC
FSC or PAL FSC temporarily switches the instrument
to the appropriate video standard. The standard is
restoredwhen changing the selection or when
exiting the CALIBRATE menu.
HIn waveform mode, the left bezel control adjusts
instrumentvertical gain (V CAL) and the center bezel
control adjusts instrument horizontal gain (H CAL).
Once gain has been adjusted, two reset options
appear on screen. If either of these resets is se-
lected, a box flashes momentarily around t he on-
screen label to acknowledge that reset has occurred.
RESET VCAL cancels any vertical gain adj ustments