Usingthe Menus
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al
When the gain or positionof the signal is changed, the polar
cursors maintain their relationship with the signa l.
When CLEAR MENU is pressed, the POLAR / MARK choice on
the right sideof the screen will be removed, but the bezel
controlswill still be active and cursor measurementscan still
be made. When anothe r menu is selected, the bezel controls
may be reassigned to the new menu, but will return t o cursor
control when the new menu is deselected.
Markers can be used to highlight graticule points. They
function the same for composite or component signals.
When MARK is selected, two additional menu readouts ap-
pear. These allow selectionof from one to eight markers,
and assign the AMPL ITUDE and PHASE bezel controls to one
of these markers. Markers are designed t o be used for refer-
ence points;there is no quantitative readout. Markers a re
positioned with respect to the graticule a nd are not moved or
resized withthe signal.
When CLEAR MENU is pressed, all of the marker readout ex-
cept the boxes will be removed. The rea dout will be restored
when CURSOR menu is selected again. When CURSOR menu
is exited and re-entered,the selected cursor quantity and
positionwill be retained. One useof markers is to position
them on the vector target boxes. Adjust the signal source
until the color bar signal appears in the ma rker boxes.
If it becomes necessaryto compensate for minor shifting of
markers due to drift or external magnetic fields (particula rly
if the instrumentis moved after the markers are set), enter
the CRT menu and select READOUT. Use the bezel controls to
adjust verticalposition (VPOS) and horizontal position
(HPOS) until the center ofthe displayed test pattern is at the
center of the graticule.