Usingthe Menus
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 3-15
With Waveform DisplayVoltageCursors can be used to make accurate signal ampli-
tude measurements.With VOLT selected, use the left bezel
control to positionthe VOLT1 cursor at the upper e xcursion of
signal to be measured, and the center bez el control to posi-
tion the VOLT2 cursorat the lower excursion. The on-screen
readout gives the voltage difference between the two levels.
When GAIN is changed, the voltage cursors maintain their
relationshipwith the signal. For example, if the VOLT2 cursor
were set to the signal sync tip in X1G AIN,itwouldalsobeat
sync tip in X5 gain, X10 gain,or with VAR gain on.
Timing Cursors can be usedto make accurate time measure-
ments. WhenTIME is selected, position the TIME1 cursor at
the left excursion of the signal to be measured, andthe TIME2
cursor on the right. The on-screen readout gives the time
difference between the two points.
When MAG is selected, the timing cursorsmaintain their rela-
tionshipwith the signal. For example, if the VOLT1 cursor
were set to the rising edge of sync, it would also be set there
with MAG selected.
Markers. WhenMARK is selected, use the bezel controls to
vertically positionthe markers where desired with respect to
the graticule markings. These markers are designed to be
used for reference points; there is no amplitude readout. The
markers are not affectedby GAIN changes; i f a marker were
set to 100 IRE in X1 GAIN, it would still be set to 100IRE with
the MAG on.