1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 3-29
Remote Operation
The 25-pin rear-panel REMOTE connector is a subminiature
D-type connector. It accepts the input for RGB/YRGB stair-
case, external horizontal,remote sync external blanking, time
code, and Left and Right audio. TTL signal or ground c lo-
sure to designatedpins will enable Staircase, External Hori-
zontal, or Remote Sync displays.
When Remote Syncis enabled, the on-screen TIME/DIV.read-
out is not present. When Remote Sync or External Horizon-
tal is enabled with timingcursors, UNCALis displayed in
place of a quantitativereadout.
The REMOTE connector is configured for Staircase (RGB or
YRGB) or External Horizontal input through the CONFIGURE
menu, shown on page 3-20.
The user can store and recall up to eight front-pa nel setups
through the remote. Remote connector pin assignme nts and
an operational description begin on page B-1.

Using Presets through the Remote

The 1760--Serieshas 10 presets c apable of storing front-panel
setups. Presets one through eight are accessible through the
rear-panel REMOTE connector. A TTL low or ground closure
on one of the PRESET pins selects the front -panel setup stored
at that preset location.
When STORE (pin 25) is grounded along with one of the pre-
set pins,the current front-panel setup is storedat the selected
preset location.