Functional Overview
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al
SCH (Option SC Only)
SCH provides a vector display of the subcarrier-to-horizonta l-
sync phase relationship. The burst vector and the phase of
the 50% point of the leading edge of sync are displayed.
Subcarrier-to-horizontal phase and color framing are di s-
played graphically in the polar SCH display. Sync jitter over
the field is displayed as a moving sync vector dot. Correct
color framingcan be verified by the position of the single
sync vector dot, relative to the color subca rrier vector when
the monitor is externally refe renced.
The SCH phase ofthe reference signal is separately sensedto
allow reliable color framing compari son. Usingthis method
of determiningrelative color framing eliminates the require-
ment for a precise horizontaltiming match between the refer-
ence and measuredsignals.
WaveformThe waveform monitor portion of the instrument provide sa
voltage-versus-timedisplay of the video signal. Theselected
input can be displayed in one or two line, or one or two fie ld
sweeps. In LINE SELECT mode, identified linesof any field
can be selected and displayed. Multiple inputs can be dis-
played at the sametime, or multiple filters can be applied to
one input for signal analysis. TIME and VOLTAGE cursorscan
be activated and positioned for reference ormeasurem ent.
LINESELECT isdiscussedonpage3-16andCURSORSare
discussed on page 3-10.
AudioAudio amplitudeand phase is monitored using a calibrated
X/Y Lissajous display. The operator can verify that the pro-
gram audio will be properly reproduced on both monaural
and stereo receivers. Correct phasing between two audio
channels isquickly verified by the direction of the display.