Operator’sCheckout P rocedure
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al
5. Gain Control
There are three calibratedvertical gain settings available (X1,
X5,andX10), as well as an independent va riable gain control.
Enter the GAIN menuand select X5. Note that X5 is outlined
and the displayis amplified. Select X10. Note that X10 is
outlined and the displayis amplified again.
Select variable gain and use the right bezel control to adjust
the gain to the minimum and maximum settings.
Exit the GAIN menu, then enter it again. Note that the vari-
able and X10 gainsettings are restored. Exit the GAIN menu.
Adjustthe VERT P OS control to place thesignal on baseline.
6. Select Timing Referen ce
pressing the LINE/BUTTON button will cycle through four
selections: one-line, two-line, one -field, and two-field
sweeps. Return to the two-field sweep.
Press the MAG button. The MAG indica tor lights and a
1S/Div sweep is displayed. Use the HORIZ POS control to
view the magnified display, then turn off the MAG.(Seepage
3-6 for a list ofsweep rates.)
7. Voltageand Timing Cursors
The 1760--Seriesvoltage, timing, and vectorcursors can be
used to measure any portion of the displayed signal.
Enter the CURSOR menu (factory preset selects voltage
cursors;VOLT is outlined on screen). The voltage cursors
appear as two dashed horizontal lines: cursor 1 has single
dashes and cursor 2 has double dashes. Use the left and
center bezel controls to adjustthe cursorsindividually, or the
right control to move both cursors by the same amount
(TRACK). The voltage difference between the cursors is
displayed as ∆V. Aligna voltage cursor with a signal refer-
ence point and pressMAG. The cursoris still at the same
point on the signal (use the HORIZ POS control if needed to
view the cursor).