Appendix A: Perfo rmance Specification
A-12 1760Series ComponentWaveform/VectorMonito r User Manual
TableA -11: Component Vector Mode (Cont.)CATEGORY DESCRIPTION
Display to Graticule
Req: ≤0.25 box with the color bar black disp lay dot
centered in target
VectorDisp lay RI: Ch A2 orB2 is displayed on thehorizon-
tal axis and Ch A3 or B3 is displayed on
the vertical axis.
TableA -12: Lightning ModeCATEGORY DESCRIPTION
VerticalGain A ccuracy Req: ±2%
RI: With respect to electronic graticule
Horizontal Gain Accuracy Req: ±2%
RI: With respect to electronic graticule
Electronic Graticule Display RI: Ch A1 or B1 is displayed vertically.
Ch A2 or B2 is displayed horizon tally on
top half of display.
Ch A3 or B3 is displayed horizon tally on
bottom half of display.
Common Mode R ejection
Req: ≥34 dB at3 MHz
RI: Timingerror contributedby the
specification limit will be less than
Electronic Graticule Display RI: Y minusPB(C H1--CH2 ) is displayed on
the left half of the display.
Y minusPR(C H1--CH 3) is displayed o n
the right half of the display.