Functional Overview
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 3-5
Displaying a SignalInputs
There are eight rear-panel loop-through inputs, whic h may
eliminate the need for an externalrouting switcher. The in-
puts can be displayed singly or in combination.
Without PARADE or OVERLAY selected, only one i nput selec-
tion can be made at a time. Each input channel button (in-
cluding A123 / B123)toggles between Aand B,and is
cancelled when another input button is pressed.
WithPARADE or OVERLAY selected, the input channe ls can be
displayed in combination. Pushing an input channel button
sequences through the labeled channels, both, t hen off. Push-
ing another input button does not cancel the current selec-
tion, but addsto it. To return to “single input”operation,
push the PARADE/OVERLAYbutton until it is off (LED is no
longer lighted).
A123 / B123
Selecting A123provide sa side-by-side di splay oft he CH-A1,
CH-A2, and CH-A3 inputs (B123 displays the CH-B1, CH-B2, and
CH-B3 inputs). This is designed for monitoring component
Selecting PARADE displays the inputc hannels last selected
for PARADE ,allowing a custom configuration of inputs. In
PARADE mode , the LINE/FIELDbutton offers only two choices:
one line and one field.
PARADE al lowsup t o four channels to be displayed side-by-
side. Additional channels will be overlaid.