AtA Glance
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al
HWithout PARADE or OVERLAY selected, only one input
selection can be made at a time. Each input channel
button (including A123 / B123)toggles between A
and B,and is cancelled when another input button is
HWith PARADE or OVERLAY selected, multiple input
selections can be made; input buttons select A, B,
both, or off, and do not cancel each other.
HSelecting A123provide sa side-by-side di splay oft he
CH-A1,CH-A2,andCH-A3 inputs (B123 displays t he
CH-B1,CH-B2,andCH-B3 inputs). Sel ecting A123or
B123 turns off all other input channels. When
PARADE or OVERLAY is selected, A123 and B123 can
be displayed together and in combination wit h other
HPARAD E displays up to four input channels side-by-
side, with any additional inputs overlaid. Selecting
PARADE displa ysthe i nput channel(s) last selected
for PARADE ,allowing a custom configuration of
inputs. In PARAD E mode, the LINE/FIELDbutton
offers only two choices: one line and one field.
HOVERLAY provides an overlaid display of all se-
lected inputs.
MENUPushthe desired menu button to enter that menu and enable
the associatedfunctions. Push the button again to exit the
menu and disable the function. Refer to pa ge 3-7 for more
information about using menus.
HFILTER allowschoice of flat or filtered display of the
waveform signal.
HCURSOR enables timing cursors,voltage cursors,
vector cursors and markers.
HLIN SEL allows the selectionof a single line or group
of lines fordisplay.