Usingthe Menus
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 3-19
Use the leftbezel control to select (outline) a preset for re-
call. PushRECALL to re call the stored instrument configura-
Push RECOVER to restore the front-panel setup that was in
effect before RECALL was pushed.
To begin storing a setup, push STORE. Make sure the front-
panel controls are set as desired, and use the left bezel con-
trol to select the storagelocation (shown outlined).
Push STORE IT to store the current front-panel settings at the
outlined PRESET location. (Push the bezel button corre-
sponding to RETURN if storing is not desired. This will ca n-
cel and exit the STORE operation.)
Selecting RENAMEwil l provide an on-screen display, assign-
ing the center and right bezel control st o LOCATIONand LET-
TER.Turn the centercontrol to select the letter that will be
changed (movethe box to the desired location within the
preset name). Turn the right control until the selected letter
changes to the desired new letter.
Push RETURN if renaming is not desired. All cha nges to the
name will be cancelled.
When the changehas been made satisfactorily, select AC-
CEPT to store the new name.