Basic Measurements
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 4-7
The chrominance vectors terminate in a system of graticul e
targets consisting of two boxes (a small box inside a large
box). A sample target is shown in Figure 4-4. The dimen-
sions of the large boxes represent ±10°centered on the ex-
act chrominance phase,and ±20% of chromi nance
amplitude centered around standard amp litude. The dimen-
sions of the smaller boxes represent ±2.5°and ±2.5 IRE .
Figure 4-4. Vectortargets --- NTSC values (PALvalues in parentheses).
For the 1761 graticule, each PAL chrominance vector related
to the +V burst terminates in targets consisting of two boxes
(a small box inside a large box). See Figure 4-2. The large
box represents ±10°centered on the exact chrominance
phase and ±20% of chrominance amplitude cent ered around
standard amplitude. The dimensions of the inner t arget rep-
resent ±3°and ±5% of chrominance amplitude; the vec tors
associatedwith the --V burstterminate in the smaller targets.