Usingthe Menus
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 3-27
CRT Menu
The following choices are available:
HDISPLAY is used for signal and etched graticule adjust-
ments. When DISPLAY isselected, the left bezel control
adjusts the signal focus (FOCUS), the center bezel
control adjuststhe etched graticule illumination (SCALE)
and the right bezel control adjusts the signal intensity
HREADOUT refers to electronic graticules, markers, menu
and measurement readouts. When READOUT is selected,
a test pattern containing a vertical line and a horiz ontal
line is displayed. Use the left bezel control (VPOS) and
the center bezel control (HPOS)until the lines crossat
the center of the etched graticule. This will compensate
for minor shifting of markers due to drift or external
magnetic fields (particularlyif the instrument is moved
after the markersare set).
The right bezel control adjusts readout intensity (INTEN -
SITY). Readout intensity will not go below the ca librated
minimum value whenmenus are displayed.
HTRACE adjuststrace rotation
Exiting the menu will returnthe instrument to normal opera-
tion, with the newsettings in effect.