Usingthe Menus
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 3-11
Waveform Cursor ControlIn WAVEFORMdisplay mode, the bezel buttons are used to
select timing cursors(TIME), voltage cursors (VOLT), both
voltage and timing (V+T), or markers (MARK). The Wave-
form cursor menu is shown in Figure 3-3.
HWhen voltage cursorsare selected (VOLT), the left
bezel control isused to adjust the vertical position
of the firstvoltage cursor, and the center bezel
control adjusts the second voltage cursor. The right
bezel control is usedto move the vertical position of
both cursors vertically, in tandem. The rea dout ∆V
showsthe voltage difference (positive or negative)
between the two cursor positions, up to four signifi-
cant digits.
HWhen timing cursorsare selected (TIME),theleft
bezel control isused to adjust the horizontal position
of the first timingcursor, and the center control
adjuststhe horizontal position of the second timing
cursor. The right bezel control moves both cursors
horizontally, in tandem. The rea dout ∆Tshowsthe
time difference(positive or negative) between the
two cursor positions, up to four significant digits.
HWhen markers are selected (MARK), the left bezel
control is usedto adjust the horizontal position of
the first markerline, the center bezel controladjusts
the second marker, and right bezel control adjusts
the third marker.
HWhen both voltageand timing cursors are selected
(V+T), a control assignment appears on the screen.
The bezel button is usedto assign the control to
voltage or timingcursors. The bezel controls work
the same as forthe individual timing and voltage
cursormodes. Both voltageand timing readouts are